Worker Safety

Safety First: Our Commitment to Employee Wellbeing

We are committed to providing a safe and healthy work environment for all our employees. We believe that everyone deserves to go home safe and sound at the end of the workday.

Our Safety Culture:

  • Safety First: We prioritize safety in all aspects of our operations.
  • Continuous Improvement: We are constantly striving to improve our safety practices and procedures.
  • Open Communication: We encourage open communication and reporting of any safety concerns.
  • Accountability: We hold everyone accountable for their own safety and the safety of others.

Our Safety Program:

Our comprehensive safety program is designed to prevent accidents and injuries. It includes:

  • Hazard assessment and risk management: We identify potential hazards in the workplace and implement controls to mitigate risks.
  • Safety training and education: We provide comprehensive safety training to all employees, covering topics such as fall protection, working at heights, and hazard recognition.
  • Personal protective equipment (PPE): We provide and require the use of appropriate PPE, such as harnesses, fall arrest systems, gloves, safety glasses, and respirators.
  • Safety inspections and audits: We conduct regular safety inspections and audits to identify and address any potential issues. Incident reporting and investigation: We encourage the reporting of all incidents and accidents, and we thoroughly investigate them to prevent future occurrences.

Your Responsibilities:

As an employee of Astral Roofing and Building Ltd, you are responsible for:

  • Following all safety rules and procedures.
  • Using PPE properly.
  • Identifying and reporting any safety hazards.
  • Immediately reporting any accidents or injuries.
  • Participating in safety training and meetings.
  • Working safely and looking out for the safety of others.

Remember, safety is everyone’s responsibility. By working together, we can create a safe and healthy work environment for all.

Contact Us

If you have any questions or concerns about our worker safety policy, reach out to Astral Roofing and Building Ltd at or contact us at 01 483 323465.